{% extends "account/base_manage.html" %} {% load allauth %} {% load i18n %} {% block head_title %} {% trans "Confirm Access" %} {% endblock head_title %} {% block content %} {% element h1 %} {% trans "Confirm Access" %} {% endelement %}

{% blocktranslate %}To safeguard the security of your account, please enter your password:{% endblocktranslate %}

{% url 'account_reauthenticate' as action_url %} {% element form form=form method="post" action=action_url %} {% slot body %} {% csrf_token %} {% element fields form=form %} {% endelement %} {% if redirect_field_value %} {% endif %} {% endslot %} {% slot actions %} {% element button type="submit" %} {% trans "Confirm" %} {% endelement %} {% endslot %} {% endelement %} {% endblock content %}